Thursday, June 19, 2008

Are We Going Back to the Pill?

Caffeine has been consumed for years in coffee and cola but it wasn't until No Doz hit the block, in the form of a pill, that a new caffeine delivery method was created. This simple caffeinated pill heightened societies quest to stay awake.

Although caffeine has been injected into just about everything from soap to mints I am going to concentrate on the caffeine evolution from a beverage perspective.

Take a look at this chart below:

The pill went liquid with Jolt Cola who doubled the caffeine level of the average 12 oz cola while Water Joe stripped out the impurities (sugar, preservative, etc) and just gave us the basics...water and caffeine. Average retail: $1.

From there the energy drink revolution took over and increased the amount of caffeine into a smaller 8.3 oz can but also "fortified" the drink with some good-for-you vitamins. It didn't take long before someone decided we needed even more caffeine and Super Sized (16-24oz) the 8.3 oz format. This larger can took off in sales but so did the amount of sugars and calories one had to injest just to achieve caffeine nirvana. Average retail: $2+.

Now the new kid on the block is trying to condense all the caffeine goodness into just 2 fluid ounces. It proclaims no sugars and minimal calories into a handy dandy little shot. Average retail: $3.

So will the 2 oz extreme shot hold out as the winner? Or, are we just one evolution step away from going full circle back into a $4 "super-charged" pill?

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